Thunder Elite 03 had a good weekend in Boardman, Ohio at the Lady Spartan ASA ENQ. The team went 3-1-1 with nice games against the Blast Mason, Xplosion, and Streak 02. Our lone loss on the weekend was in the semi-finals to the eventual tournament champion Ohio Lightning Gold. Overall the team played well and it was nice to see the bats come alive against some of the older 12u teams in attendance. Our season record now stands at 21-9-2 as we get ready for another ASA ENQ at Liberty Blazing Bats July 17-19. After this weekend we will be gearing up for our World Series appearance in Columbus Ohio at the end of July.
Thunder Elite '03
Head Coach: Joe Nay
(330) 501-5933
Coaches: Chris Holland
Doug Stein
Leroy Herman
10 Bailee Beasom
34 Sydney Bowser
17 Grace Crown
22 Savanna Eggens
3 Emily Filicky
15 Emily Holland
1 Mackenzie Herman 6 Abbey Nay 21 Lexi Najdusak
13 Maddie Stein
00 Marissa Ventura
March 28 - Spano Friendlies
April 25-Y-Town Mayhem, Youngstown
May 2-’03 Friendlies, Toledo
May 9-Diamond Dogs, Peninsula, NSA
May 16-Ohio Lightning Inv, Canton
May 23-Off
May 30-Perfect Storm, Ytown, NSA
June 13-Sluggers Bash, Middletown, ASA
June 20-Coaster Classic, Sandusky, ASA
June 27-Reach For The Starz ASA Rained Out
July 12-Lady Spartan, Boardman, ASA
July 18-Liberty Blazing Bats, ASA
July 30-NAAS World Series, Columbus
Thunder Elite 03 will be in Willoughby Ohio this weekend for the Reach For The Starzz ASA Qualifier. So far Thunder Elite '03 has enjoyed a successful season for being such a young team in the 12u division. We have an overall record of 16-7-1 in tournament play which includes winning three consecutive #1 seeds. The team has displayed consistent improvement with its hitting and defense along with the pitchers who continue to grow each game. We had a great weekend in Sandusky at the Coaster Classic where our only two losses on the weekend were to the OFC Top 10 Cincy Doom 02 and the eventual tournament champion, Wildcats, by a score of 3-1.
Thunder Elite 03 spent an exciting weekend in Toledo playing in the 03 Friendlies sponsored by the Wizards. An impressive list of teams attended this eight team friendly and our girls were honored by the invitation to play amongst some of the best 03 teams in the state of Ohio. Along with Thunder Elite 03 was Wizards 03, Stingrays 03, Sundogs 03, Lasers Black, Outlaws 03, Central Ohio Vipers 03, and the Lady Knights 03. In the Thunder Elite Y-Town Mayhem early-bird tournament on April 25-26 we went 3-2 with wins against XFactor, Disruption (PA) and the Jackson Royals. Our two losses came against the eventual 12u finalists Pittsburgh Spirit Gold and a 7-5 loss to the Wolfpack 02. Next week the team will be playing in the Diamond Dogs Classic in Peninsula Ohio. The picture above was taken in Toledo. (front row) Clutch Ventura, Abbey Nay, Lexi Najdusak, Emily Holland, Grace Crown, (back row) Savanna Eggens, Sydney Bowser, Emily Filicky, Maddie Stein, Mackenzie Herman, and Bailee Beasom.
Thunder Elite 03 continues to work and prepare for their 2015 outdoor tournament season. The team had recently been invited to the 12u Friendlies at the Akron Spano Dome on March 28 and had a super time playing against some very strong 12u teams. Pictured above are (front row) Bailee Beasom, Emily Holland, Lexi Najdusak, Clutch Ventura, Abbey Nay. (back row) Sydney Bowser, Emily Filicky, Maddie Stein, Savanna Eggens, Grace Crown, Mackenzie Herman.
Thunder Elite 03 is having a productive winter season as they prepare for their 2015 outdoor tournament season. The team has maintained a consistent workout routine at their separate indoor facilities in Youngstown and Niles and have committed to individual sessions for the hitters, pitchers, and catchers. For 2015, Thunder Elite 03 has been invited to participate in the 12u Friendlies at The Akron Spano Dome on March 28th and are excited to be playing in the '03 Friendlies in Toledo on May 2 where many of the top 11 year old teams in Ohio will be in attendance.
Thunder Elite 10U
Head Coach: Joe Nay
Coaches: Chris Holland
Nate Schick
Les Thomas
17 Grace Crown
10 Lexi Drake
15 Emily Holland
5 Billie Miller
6 Abbey Nay
8 Raegan Schick
22 Grace Shultz
12 Hannah Thomas 00 Marissa Ventura
11 Olivia Zigarovich
2013-14 SCHEDULE
Feb 28- Spano Dome-ASA T-5TH
April 26- Y Town Mayhem CHAMPS
May 3-ROC Spring Open-NSA CHAMPS
May 10-Diamond Dogs-NSA CHAMPS
May 24-Maple Leaf East-PGF SEMI'S
May 30-Perfect Storm-NSA RUNNER UP
June 7-..Open
June 14-Summer Slam I-NSASEMIFINALS
June 20-SluggerS Bash-ASA RUNNER-UP
June 28-..Open
July 5-..Open
July 12-..Stingrays, PGF
July 25-North American World Series 4-2
Thunder Elite 10u finished 4-2 at the North American World Series in Columbus, Ohio July 25-27, capping off a very successful 2014 outdoor season for this group of girls. 10u was a very hard working team and it reflected in their 2014 accomplishments finishing with a 32-16 record, including 3 tournament victories and 2 second place finishes. They played a challenging schedule this season and was able to amass an impressive list of accolades such as a 5th place finish at The Spano Dome Spring Tournament, attended Stingrays at Ohio State, OFC Team of the Week for week 2, and was consistently ranked in the top 10 of OFC’s statewide 10u coaches poll. We will now take a couple weeks off before holding our organizational tryouts on August 9th from noon to 2pm and August 16th from 10am to noon. All positions are open for competitive tryouts. If your 03 daughter is interested in being part of a strong team at 11u, please contact Coach Nay with inquiries or consideration for a private tryout.
Thunder Elite finished in 2nd place at Sluggers Summer Bash ASA ENQ the weekend of June 21-22 in New Middletown Ohio. The team’s 2014 outdoor record now stands at 27-10 including three tournament championships and two second place finishes! 2014 has been a very good year for this team as they now begin to prepare for an exciting July in Columbus Ohio. The team will be playing at Stingrays on July 11-13 and the North American World Series July 26-29. The picture above was taken at historic Firestone Stadium where our girls had the privilege of playing their opening game of the Akron Summer Slam, June 14-15, against the Ohio Starz. Pictured are Grace Crown, Lexie Drake, Olivia Zigarovich, Hannah Thomas, Grace Schultz, Billie Miller, Clutch Ventura, Abbey Nay, Emily Holland, and Raegan Schick.
Thunder Elite 10u finished in 2nd place at the Perfect Storm, NSA WSQ in Youngstown Ohio on May 30-June 1. The team had fought back from a 1-2 record in pool play to make the championship game vs. Ohio Ice Orange. We put together two big wins on Sunday against the #2 seeded Ohio Lightning and #3 seeded UC Ice (PA) before falling to the #1 seed, Ohio Ice Orange. For the weekend we finished 3-3 which makes our 2014 outdoor record 21-6 including 3 tournament victories, one 2nd place, and two #1 seeds! Thunder Elite 10u will be idle this weekend and will be back in action June 14-15 at the Akron Summer Slam I.
Thunder Elite 10u had a super Mother’s Day weekend in Peninsula, Ohio by claiming the tournament championship in the 2014 Diamond Dogs Classic! Our girls went 5-1 for the weekend against the 10 team field, winning three games on Sunday, including the championship game against ROC Elite 10-2. Our 2014 outdoor record now stands at 14-2. This is our team’s 3rd tournament victory in as many attempts in outdoor tournaments. Pictured above are (bottom row) Abbey Nay, Olivia Zigarovich, (top row) Grace Schultz, Emily Holland, Raegan Schick, Hannah Thomas, Lexie Drake, Billie Miller, Grace Crown, Clutch Ventura. The team will be off this week and will be preparing for their next tournament, The Maple Leaf, in Middlefield Ohio May 24-25.
Thunder Elite 10u ventured into neighboring Pennsylvania on May 3-4 and won The Spring Open, NSA WSQ. Our team went 5-0 on the weekend and won the championship game by defeating the Silvercreek Starz 9-1. Other quality wins against the 7 team field were ROC Elite, UC Ice, and the Pittsburgh Roadrunners. This is our second outdoor tournament championship in as many tries for 2014 as this young team continues to improve each week. The team’s 2014 outdoor record now stands at 9-1. With this victory Thunder Elite 10u has qualified for the NSA World Series in Spartanburg SC. Our next tournament is The Diamond Dog Classic NSA WSQ in Peninsula, Ohio May 10-11. Good Luck Girls!
Thunder Elite 10u is off to an exciting start to their 2014 outdoor season! Our team earned this year's first outdoor tournament championship by winning the YTown Mayhem, in Youngstown, Ohio April 26-27! The team finished the weekend at 4-1 and claimed the 1st place trophy by defeating a strong, well coached Diamondbacks team 8-3 in the final. The team's performance showed how their winter preparation has payed off as their bats, defense, and pitching were solid all weekend. Next up for our girls is The Spring Open, NSA WSQ in Hermitage PA. May 3-4. Good Luck TE10u!
Thunder Elite 10u continues to prepare for the 2014 tournament season with our weekly hitting, glove work, and weekend scrimmages at YSU's WATTS Center. We completed an exciting weekend at the Spano Tournament on March 1st-2nd where twenty of the top 10u teams in Ohio and surrounding states competed at Akron's Spano Dome. It was great to see our team finish in the elite 8 losing to the eventual Spano champion, Ohio Storm 03 by a score of 5-0. Other tough games at Spano included the Pittsburgh Nitro, Ohio Ice Orange, and The Diamondbacks. Thunder Elite 10u is made up of 9-10 yr. old girls from Trumbull County in northeast Ohio. Thunder Elite 10u is a very hard working team and the coaches and parents are very proud of each player as they work towards the 2014 tournament season.
Thunder Elite 10U
Head Coach: Joe Nay
Coaches: Nate Schick
Les Thomas
14 Desi Allen
17 Grace Crown 4 Kylie Konwalski 6 Abbey Nay 8 Raegan Schick
3 Kylee Sheely
44 Morgan Sigley 7 Alayna Sines 12 Hannah Thomas 00 Marissa Ventura
March 9th -..Rival Sports Friendlies
April 27-..Y-town Mayhem
May 3-..ROC Elite Spring Open -NSA
May 10-..Diamond Dogs Classic-NSA
May 24-..Mapleleaf,Burton Ohio-NSA
May 31-.Perfect Storm-NSA-runner up
June 7-..Willoughby-ASA-runner up
June 21-Sluggers Slam-ASA-runner up
July 12- Nailbiter-NSA- CHAMPS
July 19-..Hope's Turn at Bat, Mayfield-runner up
Hopes Turn at Bat -RUNNER UP |
The Thunder Elite 10u girls finished runners up in Hope's Turn at Bat in Mayfield, Ohio July 20-21 as they begin to wind down a very successful year for this young team. Their 2013 outdoor record now stands at 29-15 including 3 number one seeds, four second place finishes, and one championship in tournament play! Along with their solid performance the team has earned a reputation as a gritty, scrappy club that plays fundamental defense and pressures other teams with an aggressive offensive attack. They are a lot of fun to watch! This team was entirely made up with first-year travel players but they held their own against a number of top 10 teams and bigger, more experienced clubs. We can't wait for next year to begin as we continue to demonstrate the high standards of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fundamental play Thunder Elite Fastpitch is known for in Ohio and the region.
What a great weekend for our 10u girls. They won their first tournament, claiming The Nailbiter NSA WSQ with a decisive 15-2 vicotry over Twisters Fastpitch on July 14. The team went 4-1 on the weekend as the offense erupted for 66 runs on 58 hits. We all knew it was only a matter of time that this young team would claim a championship as they all have worked hard all year and improved in every facet of their game. With their championship win, the team received a bid to attend the NSA World Series in Chattanooga TN. Their outdoor record now stands at 26-13 with one last tournament to go at Hope's Turn at Bat on July 20-21. Great Job Girls!
Thunder Elite 10u finished in 2nd place at Sluggers Summer Bash in New Middletown Ohio June 21-24. Despite a 1-2 record in pool play the team put together two big wins on Sunday to make the championship game against Valley Extreme. The girls battled for 13 innings before losing 7-6 in an epic, three hour game in 90 degree weather. They never quit! What a great effort from this young team!
Thunder Elite 10u finished 2nd place at the Willoughby Starzz Invitational June 8-9. The team was 5-1 on the weekend going 3-0 in pool play claiming their third consecutive #1 seed. Our young team played a hard-fought championship game losing 7-5 to the Outlaws. This weekend’s performance improves our record to 19-9 on the season including three #1 seeds and two 2nd place finishes. Pictured above are (front) Grace Crown, Desi Allen. (Middle) Raegan Schick, Alayna Sines, Abbey Nay, Clutch Ventura. (Back Row) Kylie Konwalski, Morgan Sigley, Kylee Sheely, Hannah Thomas.
Thunder Elite 10u finished in 2nd place at the 2013 Perfect Storm Tournament June 1-2. The team went 3-0 in pool play and entered Sunday at the #1 seed. This strong showing continues a steady path of improvement for this very young team as its record stands at 14-8, including two #1 seeds in 2013 tournaments. Members of the team are (front row) Raegan Schick, Grace Crown, Abbey Nay, Desi Allen, Clutch Ventura. (Back row) Kylee Sheely, Kylie Konwalski, Alayna Sines, Morgan Sigley, Hannah Thomas.