Thunder Elite Green 14u finished their inaugural 2016 tournament season at the All Sanctioned World Series in Columbus, Ohio July 21-24 playing teams from NY, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. The team had an exciting bracket-play victory in ITB and a heart breaking loss in the same fashion. The Green Team has shown great improvement over this season and looks forward to another productive year starting this fall. This is a first year team with many players being in their 1st season of travel ball. The Green Team is made up of 01 birth year girls from northeast Ohio and western PA. Pitctured above are Emily Nay, Miranda Beichner, Makenz Moody, JC Rae, Payton Schuller, Kennedy Rose, Emma Blackburn, Emma Yesko, Hannah Hill, and Jenna Seigworth.
Thunder Elite 14u Green
2016 Roster
7 Miranda Beichner
44 Emma Blackburn
00 Hannah Hill
4 Payton Schuller
34 Makenz Moody
9 Emily Nay
8 Jaycee Rae
20 Kennedy Rose
18 Jenna Seigworth
16 Emma Yesko
Head Coach:
Frank Rose
Matt Seigworth
Tom Rae
Mike Moody
2016 Scehdule
Jan 17-Feb 14 ROC Elite Indoor League Greenville PA Non Sanc
May 27-29 Perfect Storm Youngstown PGF
June 3-5 Summer Starter Cortland, Ohio ASA
June 18-19 Magic Field of Dreams Boardman, Ohio ASA
June 24-26 Slugger's Summer Bash New Middletown Ohio ASA
July 2-3 Firecracker Frenzy Warren, Ohio ASA
July 9-10 Cinderella Classic North Ridgeville Oh PGF
July 16-17 Blazing Bats Youngstown, Ohio ASA
July 22-24 NAAS World Series Columbus, Ohio Non Sanc